Wild Garden Style Bouquet
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Order a Mother's Day bouquet in our unique "Wild Garden Style" and you'll be buying flowers for Mother's Day and for Mother Earth. Every planet friendly bouquet has British grown scented seasonal spring flowers wrapped in tissue and ribbon in a reusable glass vase.ย Note: At this time, our bouquets are ONLY AVAILABLE FOR PICKUP here in Church Minshull Cheshire, UK at our Wharf (contact us on 07780116229 to enquire).
Sustainable Wild Garden Style Mothers Day Flowers:
Order one of our planet friendly wild garden style floral bouquets for Mothering Sunday. This year, we're creating a limited number of scented seasonal wild garden style Mother's Day Bouquets (there's always some blossom left for the early bees). The wildlife in our Cheshire canalside cut flower garden will thank you too.
Sustainable Wild Garden Style Bouquet Details :
- Each sustainable Mothers Day bouquet is designed in my signature "Wild Garden Style" inspired by the beauty, season and scent of our canalside cutting garden.
- Given every bouquet is a unique one off, hand crafted piece using my innovative artisanal methods, ingredients may differ from the indicative product image and colour may also vary.
- Our flowers are garden grown in our canalside cut flower garden. In the early months, foliage/florals are sourced from British suppliers whose eco friendly credentials I trust. Always only British grown. That way, we keep our floral carbon footprint low.
- Every Mother's Day hand tied wild garden style bouquet is wrapped in tissue and supplied in a reusable glass vase.
- Note: At this time, our bouquets are ONLY AVAILABLE FOR PICKUP here in Church Minshull Cheshire, UK at our Wharf (contact us on 07780116229 to enquire). We do not send our fresh seasonal bouquets by post nor are we delivering locally right now.