In a big bouquet care has to be taken with conditioning your garden cut flowers so that they have stiff enough stems to stand and support the weight of big flower heads.
Then there is the mechanics of making this very large bouquet, not just in terms of doing this sustainably, but also just the actual practicalities of working with ingredients and stems so long especially with small hands!
Then there are the ingredients. Late summer scent is sometimes elusive but here, bulbs and perennials added to long tendrils of sweetpeas ensure there is a memorable visual and olfactory moment!
In this video I take you through ingredients, sustainable mechanics and my step by step process in making a very large hand tied bouquet with your seasonal garden grown flowers which can be given as a gift.
Fierceblooms is a environmentally sustainable floral business. Guarded by our ancient horse chestnut, our canalside cutting garden grows herbs and flowers while the wild edges hold magical medicinal plants here for much longer. Our hand crafted wild garden style wreaths and florals capture the seasonal moment and are created exclusively with British everlasting and fresh flowers.
Online Floral Classes
Sustainable Everlasting Autumn Wreath Class
Sustainable Seasonal Christmas Wreath Class
Fresh And Dried Sustainable Summer Wreath Class
Always, our fierce focus in our unique online classes is to share how we create our signature "Wild garden Style" floral designs using local, scented, seasonal and sustainable flowers.
In fact. we only ever use local, garden grown (in our case) British flowers. Our desire is in every class to inspire you to create your own planet friendly, environmentally conscious floral designs using ingredients that reflect your season, your flora and your locale.
Rather than a constraint, we believe creating with your own seasonal garden grown flowers encourages you to make floral art that truly embodies your own unique floral signature.
2023 will be our 4th season of live online classes. We look forward to continued conversations with sustainable floral enthusiasts from the far flung Scotland Highlands, down to Devon and Cornwall, across to Wales, and way beyond to North America, Australia, New Zealand. To hear more subscribe to our newsletter.
Online Flower Class Testimonial
I felt like I was there. I just couldn't reach out and stick my nose in the flowers. It was as if I was sat in your front room watching your creativeness.